Monday, April 16, 2018


What is a hashtag?
A hashtag is a pound sign followed by a phrase or word that people use on social media sites to group things together. For instance someone can post a picture that represents gun control and #guncontrollaws and it will allow that person to see what others are saying using that same hashtag.

What is the purpose of a hashtag?
The purpose of a hashtag is to share what you are posting and grouping it with other people that are talking about the same thing you are using that same hashtag. It allows people from all over the world to see it and hopefully start conversations about that topic.

Social Media Strategy

What is a social media strategy?
Social Media Strategy is a plan to get people with common interest to share your content. In other words, it's a plan to create your identity to your followers one that represents yourself in a way that is honest.

What is the purpose of a social media strategy?
The purpose of social media strategy is to gain followers in what ever you are on social media for. Whether it be marketing or just blogging. You want to attract the right type of followers. People in the marketing business come up with social media strategies to attract shoppers.
The purpose of this assignment is to learn that there are social media strategies that you can use on your accounts. The key question at the heart of this assignment is What are your Social Media Strategies?

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Preparing your content for Social Sharing

Preparing Your Content for Facebook Sharing

I understand "shaping Your content for Facebook" to mean that Facebook is used for more personal uses so that they can connect with family and friends. In other words, it where people go to define the type of person they are. They share things that are very personal. An example of shaping Your content for Facebook would be posting about something that captures my viewers attention with curiosity and encouraging responses and engagements.

Preparing Your Content for Twitter Sharing

I understand "shaping Your content for Twitter" to mean that twitter is used for news junkies. In other words, people want real news that are happening in the here and now. You must make your twitter post easy to retweet. An example of shaping Your content for Twitter would be president Trump posting a tweet with hashtags and people being able to see and retweet quickly.

Preparing Your Content for Pinterest Sharing

I understand "shaping Your content for "Pinterest" to mean that people collect pictures and creates a board to there interest. In other words, its a place that people get ideas from others to create new foods, crafts, and DIY projects. An example of shaping Your content for Pinterest would be my friend Chelsey sharing how she makes Butter Mochi on Pintrest.

Preparing Your Content for Instagram Sharing

I understand "shaping Your content for Instagram" to mean that you must have clarity, color, composition, content, and consistency. In other words, in order for you to have great content that matches your intent of your page, you must follow these guidelines to really reach out to your viewers. An example of shaping Your content for Instagram would be my cousin that is a photographer and shares pictures that attract people that want his services.

The purpose of the assignment is to learn that for each different type of Social media outlets there are different types of sharing that comes along with it. The key question at the heart of the assignment is Do you know how to share your content for each different type of Media outlets?

Spreading your Ideas with Social Media

  1. What do you take for granted or assume about spreading your ideas with social media?
I think for me personally I usually take for granted that I don't have that much followers so I don't spread much ideas on Social Media. I don't use my social media to influence people. It's mainly personal things.

  1. What is the purpose of spreading your ideas with social media?
The purpose of sharing your ideas with social media is to get more people to take notice in what you are sharing. The more you share in different types of ways, the more people be able to view your ideas and hopefully get your viewers to share.

The purpose of this assignment is to know that when you share your ideas with social media you don't have to play it safe. That's usually how you get the attention of your viewers. The key question at the heart of this assignment is "Have you ever spread your ideas with your viewers and have they ever shared it on social media?

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Positive Presences Online

Whether you like it or not, if you use the internet you created an online identity for yourself. You could call this your own brand. A brand are like the things your prefer to were or eat. Big companies spend a huge amount of money to advertise there brand. They make it look very appealing to a person so they buy into it.

Searching yourself:
The best place to start off to search for they type of information that is out there online is the search engine. You could also look at search terms that people might refer to you like nick names, middle initials, and commonly know misspelling of your name. Another way is by registering on  "yourname".com to see if others have registered at that site. It is best that you also do an image search for yourself. There might be someone that has created a fake account or someone that has a similar name could confuse others to think it is you. 

The main point of this paragraph was to do your research about yourself. In other words, make sure you know what kind of information is out there about yourself. For example: I went on google and searched my name and I found that websites I am active on will pop up and some of my personal videos and pictures are public for the world to see.

If you don't like it, ask to have it taken down:
You may be surprised at what you find, so if it is something you don't like the first thing you could do it to ask that website to take it down. You could also ask the person directly. Most people that ask others to take material down will do it without complications. You could also ask the ISP host site to take it down, but they only do so if the material is untrue, hurts your reputation, and could be cyber-bullying. 

The main point of this paragraph is to make sure that you know if you don't like it, ask to have it taken down. In other words, don't leave things that you don't want others to see online. Get it taken down. For example: Justine Sacco posted a tweet and had it removed because it made her look like a horrible person for saying what she tweeted.
Out with the bad, in with the new: 
There might be things online that you don't like, or someone else that people might perceive you to be.  Try and put out as much positive things that will drown out the other person. You could do numerous things online to boost your positive identity, like blogging, posting comments, videos and online reviews as long as it doesn't make you look bad. Your build your online presence, allowing you to outweigh the bad. If there is someone out there with a similar name you might want to you your initials or abbreviations.
The main point of this paragraph is to create positive material so that your online presence is a good one. In other words, provide positive feedback, blogs, videos, and reviews. Make sure you are able to outweigh the bad things that are associated with your name. For example: My fiance has a commonly used first name, so she makes sure her profile settings are private and post things that aren't too personal and creates a positive presence.

Build a Base:
In order to build your brand you must create a home base. For example a blog. Its important because search engines count links when they research.So the more you link to your blog the higher the rank. Also having your home base on "yourname".com can be perfect. Also include an home base picture. It doesn't have to be you, but it could be a cartoon person of yourself or a nice picture of yourself. It helps to build your online identity.

The main point of this paragraph is to make a home base for yourself. In other words create a home base page that people can link to your responses or post. One that you want to be out there online to show your identity. For example: I use Blogger to create my home base for online post. 

Don't let your friends control your brand:
Why isn't it good to use your Social network profiles to use as your home base? It's because you arent in full control with what is posted for everyone to see. They can post to your networks anything they like. You can never have full control over your privacy. Not everyone will make good decisions. It doesn't mean to not have any, but try not to link it to other accounts.

The main point of this paragraph is that you shouldn't use your Social networks as your home base because it isn't the best way to create great your presences online. In other words, you can't control what others want to post to your social network. So take control by have a good home base. For example: Instead of using my Facebook to post blogs I use Blogger.

Think about who you are in other peoples spaces:
Making sure your online spaces says good things about you, you must also keep in mind what kind of impression your giving off on others. You want to be a "Good Guest" on other websites. Always remember to treat others the way you want to be treated. Try an contribute to other online communities.

The main point of this paragraph is to respect others peoples spaces. In others words, be a good guest when on other peoples websites. For example: I am being thoughtful when posting things to others website. I have empathy to there thoughts and feeling.

Don't mix up reputation with celebrity:
It doesn't mean you have to spend all your time thinking about what to post. It doesnt matter what material you post as long as the things you post online builds a positive consistent image that reflects your identity.

This main point of this paragraph is that you don't need to spend all your time thinking of things to post to build your image. In other words, you can post less things but as long as it is how you want to be viewed. For example: I post pictures of my children, I dont post or reply everyday, heck not even every week and I am okay with image.

The purpose of this assignment was to know how to build your positive online presence. What the do's and don't are. The key question at the heart of this assignment is "Do you what kind of online presences you have, if so can you improve it?"

Digital Footprints

  1. What is a digital footprint?
A digital footprint is your online Identity. It is the information you have online that allows people to get an idea of the type of person you are. Its a data trail you unintentionally leave behind.

2. What conclusions are you coming to about a digital footprint?
That employers sometimes look you up online to try and get an idea of the type of person you are, it allows them to make a decision based off the information that is given online to see if your a fit. The tweet that Justine Sacco made got herself fired. It left a life time digital footprint. Having an online identity, you have to be aware of your post, your responses, and other websites you are associated with. You should only post positive things on your website. Keep your private life private.
Image result for what are examples of digital footprints

  1. The purpose of the assignment is to know that you create a digital footprint online whether you know it or not.
  2. The key question at the heart of the assignment is "What kind of Digital Footprint do you have?"

Saturday, March 17, 2018


  1. What exactly are you focused on about sharing?
When I share things on social media I'm focused on how I connect to my followers. I take into consideration on what would my followers gain from the content I am sharing.
  1. What is the purpose of sharing?
The purpose of sharing is to letting people know whats going on in your life, or sharing things to connect with your followers. There are many reasons why but my main purpose of sharing things on social media is to make people laugh and smile. I want to be able to connect with my followers emotionally. "Sharing an idea you care about is a generous way to change your world for the better."
Here is a video on why we share by forbes:

The purpose of this assignment is to realize that sharing is a big part of our lives. We do it without thinking why we do it. It is to make us aware why we share things online. They key question of this assignment is "Why do you share?"

Remix Culture

I understand remixing to be creating something new out of it's original content. In other words, taking a piece of media which has been altered from its original state by adding or removing pieces of the item. Creating new content from things that are present in front of you. Its changing material to create new things. An example of remixing content would be a dancer adding new moves into her routine dance for a certain song to bring more life to it. It would allow others to view her dancing in a different way.

The purpose of this assignment was to realize that much of what we see on social media are remix content. Social media is the place to show the remix content that you make. The key question at the heart of this assignment is "Do you remix content?"

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Crap Detecting

Very good-Twitter like passing on lies better than liking retweeting the truth
Only partially trustworthy-Fake news on twitter
Probably untrustworthy- Trump wins the Award Obama never could

These three articles were similar in a way that they all had authors. It can be very difficult finding out which article is one with the truth and the one that isnt. But if you know how to look for validation it shouldnt be to hard. The first article I choose as very good news was about how people like passing on lies rather then the truth. It gave evidence and resources it got its information from. The partially trustworthy has only some of the things listed above but not enough solid evidence. The untrustworthy was about trump. It doesnt have any facts or resources they got their information from. She didnt lied about it. It was made up. The conclusion I came up with about untruthful news is that I cant believe everything I see on the Media because a lot of people like to make up things based on their own opinions. News should be facts with evidence, not just hear say. 
The purpose of this assignment was to be able to identify when you see fake news. To be able to call bullshit on news being broadcast-ed for the world to see. The key question at the heart of this assignment is Can you detect untrustworthy news?

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Untruthful News

I am someone that is on social media outlets like, Instagram, Snap-chat, and Facebook. I find myself questions the authentication of the news I read off theses outlets. I am guilty of believing untruthful news that Facebook puts out there. It has tremendous effect on people because it makes it harder for people to believe what is the truth and whats a lie. How do we as a community weed out the fake news out of social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter? There needs to be stricter rules about posting news. According to the gaurdian "Facebook, for example, is currently working on methods for stronger detection and verification of fake news, and on ways to provide warning labels on false content".  I think that Media outlets need to start holding people legally accounted for spreading fake news.
The purpose of this assignment is to be aware of the untruthful news and always make sure that the places your getting your information from is validated with proof of research.
The key question at the heart of this assignment is How can we identify and stop fake news from being spread?

The Art of Crap Detection

Pomposity is not an especially venal form of bullshit, although it is by no means harmless. There are plenty of people who are daily victimized by pomposity in that they are made to feel less worthy than they have a right to feel by people who use fancy titles, words, phrases, and sentences to obscure their own insufficiency.

Pomposity is a form of bullshit. Its a corrupt form of bullshit. It could be harmless. Everyday someone is victimized by pomposity. Victims are made to feel less of themselves and compare themselves to people with fancy titles and words to cover up their own insecurities. 

Therefore, the main point of this paragraph is to call bullshit no matter the type of bullshit. Pomposity is used daily so that others can feel good about themselves without having a guilty mind that they are the ones lacking knowledge. In other words, pomposity is used by people that feel superior to others and want to let people know that they are higher then you, but in actuality hiding the things they don't know. For example: When someone post a response to tax cuts online believes that his/her words are right using their fancy titles to cover up their insufficiency.

Superstition is ignorance presented in the cloak of authority. A superstition is a belief, usually expressed in authoritative terms for which there is no factual or scientific basis. Like, for instance, that the country in which you live is a finer place, all things considered, than other countries. Or that the religion into which you were born confers upon you some special standing with the cosmos that is denied other people. I will refrain from commenting further on that, except to say that when I hear such talk by own crap-detector achieves unparalleled spasms of activity.

Superstition is ones own belief that it presented by authority. Its a belief that is expressed with no facts or scientific evidence. It is a belief that you feel is the right way, when in actuality it isnt. For example believing your country is better than others.

Therefore, the main point of this paragraph is that superstitions is ones ignorance of their own belief. In other words, they believe that their superstition is the one and only way. It doesn't offer facts or evidence, just their belief. An example of superstition is, people believe that you should never have sex before marriage.

The purpose for this assignment is to identify different types of bullshit and what it may look like. The key question at the heart of this assignment is do you know how to identify and call out bullshit?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

How to Make your Idea Stick

Simple: In the world of content, less is more. Determine your core message, then communicate it in the most simple process.

  • Getting your core message out clear and easy to follow without adding unnecessary things.
Unexpected: If you’re not riling the birds’ feathers who’re flying in a V, your not writing unexpected material. Unexpected material gets attention, often by violating a current schema. We believe in violating the status-quo to capture attention.

  • You present with getting something simple that captures the persons attention that may often violate the status-quo. Something that is out of ones comfort level.
Concrete: Use sensory language to be concrete. Paint a mental picture in the minds of your audience.

  • You use other examples to pull your readers to see the big picture of new or unfamiliar things so that they understand.
Credible: Using data? Give advice? It better come from the experts.

  • Using information that you can back yourself up with. Making sure its credible.
Emotional: People care about people, not numbers. Evoke emotion by speaking a language pertinent to your audience.

  • Make connections with the people using there language. Allow them to emotionally connect with your topic. Give them something that they will benefit from.
Tells Stories: Storytelling is the causal effect of evoking emotion.
  • Storytelling stimulate our minds and allows us to learn things we haven't seen before.

The main point of using the SUCCESS Model is to make a simple core message out to your readers. Engage your readers in the topic that is important to you. In other words you need to make the topic interesting enough that others can connect to it emotionally. Telling stories will stimulate their minds and allow them to learn new things. An example would be, writing about feeding the homeless and why it would be important for more people to help other people in need. It will allow people to feel good when helping others.

The purpose of this assignment is to know what kind of models there are to go by when creating something you want to stick to your readers. The key questions at the heart of this assignment is " Can you use this Success Model to get your message to stick?"

Friday, February 16, 2018

Adding legal images to your blog

Just Because Other People Do it Doesn't Make it Right
"Unfortunately, Copyright law doesn't care if "big name person" appears to be getting away with copyright infringement while "the little guy" isn't. Because copyright is very personal, a great deal of enforcement rests with the copyright holder. As we all know, there are some people online who just don't care that laws exist or somehow believe the laws don't apply to them. It's unfortunate and unfair, but the reality is that copyright law is not equally applied across the Internet. Having the ability to do something doesn't mean it should be done.
Copyright law is very complex but you don't have to be a lawyer to understand the basics. When it comes to using images online, trust your instinct. If there's any tinge of uneasiness then reconsider or do some research. In many ways, copyright follows the golden rule."
1. The above paragraph states that people that have big names for themselves copyright peoples things from others think that they can get away with it. So often that people that aren't that big in the community do the same thing thinking that the laws don't apply to them. It is sad that there it isn't applied through out the internet. It is a very complex thing and you need to understand the basics laws when using things off the internet.
2. The main point of this paragraph is that just because other people do it, doesn't make it okay for you do it. You always need to follow the laws regardless of how simple it is. In other words, it may happen with people that are famous and people that aren't, but it is still against the law. For example if I knew my internet super star was using things that didn't belong to him, I wouldn't do the same thing. Think before you make that decision of using something off the internet, do your research.
Different Uses Come With Different Obligations
It may be acceptable to use an image, as is, on your blog, but you may not have the right to use that same image in a paid newsletter, book, video or other type of work. Unless the image is in the public domain or you are the copyright holder, you have to consider the use(s) granted by the copyright holder or license. A copyright holder may be agreeable to certain uses but not to others.
1. The above paragraph states that it may be acceptable to use an image the way it is, on your page, but its probably not okay to use it anything that you'd get paid for. You have to be the copyright holder or from the public domain. The copyright holder may agree the usage to some things but others not so much.
2. The main point of this paragraph above is to make sure you get the agreement from the copyright holder to be able to use that persons image on all of your post or blogs. In other words you can post something as is, but posting it and making profit of it is against the law and if that is something you want to do, you must get permission. An example would be, if I wanted to post an image of my niece online to make money off of, I would need to have the permission of her mom or dad to do so.
The purpose of this assignment is to know how the copyright laws work and how to make sure you arent breaking any laws. It is to make it aware that we need to be more cautions about the images we use online.
The key question at the heart of this assignment is, do you know how to make sure you are legally using images from the internet?

Friday, February 9, 2018


What is collaboration?

It is a group of people that are bringing their skills together to share in pursuit of a common task or goal. Collaboration can benefit everyone in the group. It allows you to be more open minded about the task at hand. It will let you see things in many different ways.

What conclusion are you coming to about collaboration?

My conclusion about collaboration is that it is very beneficial to everyone. It gives you a sense of purpose. I work in  position where I have to collaborate with my co-workers or people from the community, an it doesn't only benefit me but the people I'm serving because there are things that I may not know and the person I'm working with does. Or vice versa. Collaboration is key to success. I personally will participate in collaboration when the option presents itself.

The purpose  this assignment is to know what collaboration is, identify if you have collaborated before, and know what the benefits of doing so. The key question at the heart of this assignment is, What are the benefits for collaboration? Will you be able to collaborate with others and make it useful?

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Intellectual Standards Part 2

I understand "Depth" to be the meaning under the statement or opinion. In other words, go beneath the surface and find the deeper meaning to what your trying to get out there. There could be another meaning to what the statement is. An example of someone exhibiting depth on social media would be someone posting about substance abuse and writing in depth what the underlying issue that causes substance abuse.

I understand "Breadth" to be looking at the post with more than one point of view. In other words, having an open mind and asking yourself if you have looked at the statement in all aspects in order to respond or have an opinion on it. An example of someone exhibiting breadth on social media would be someone reading a post about gun laws and thinking about the whole situation and being able to understand all the sides when it comes to the laws and what laws the states should make. Having an understanding all ways.

I understand "Logic" to mean that all thoughts are in order. In other words, that our thoughts are logical and correct. The statement needs to make sense and follows from evidence. An example of someone exhibiting logic on social media would be someone responding to a post with evidence that either agrees or disagrees with the topic/subject.

I understand "Significance" to mean that we have important implications. In other words, our words and thoughts must have importance to it. Knowing what the purpose is for. Finding what the most important concept and idea is. An example of someone exhibiting significance on social media could be posting about the gay community and stating the important things that matters to you. Making it significant.

I understand "Fairness" to mean that you aren't biased to others feelings or interests. In other words, viewing things from all angles and being able to be fair when responding. Taking into consideration everything that is being presented. Not taking one side over the other. Leaving your own personal feelings on the side and stating what is fair. An example of someone exhibiting fairness on social media would be replying to a post about something you don't necessarily agree with but taking into consideration all the evidence, you reply without being biased or dishonest about that topic.

The concept to Intellectual standards is to have a purpose and meaning to what you are putting out there in the world. To really understand the depth of what your stating. Knowing what the standards are will allow us to be more thoughtful when it comes to responding or posting. It allows us to know what we need working on and what were great at.

The purpose of this assignment was to recognize these standards, understand what each one means and to know how to use these standards when we are out in the world. It shows us what our weakness and strengths are. It has taught me to be mindful of what I post and how I respond.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018


What is community?
Community is a group of people that live in the same place forming a bond with others. Sharing interests, common attitudes and goals. People with diverse backgrounds, linked by social ties. People that care about each other.

What is the purpose of Community?
The purpose of having a community is to have people going through similar things help support each other. They are people who are connected to each other and have the same values as each other. They are there to help positively support and help each other with opportunity to grow. We need our community to improve our own lives and make a difference in others lives.

The key question at the heart of this assignment is to think and question what community is and why it is important to have a community.

Intellectual Standards Part 1

I understand "Clarity" to mean that we must be clear with what we are talking about. In other words, we must know what we are talking about and have the research and evidence backing up the subject. Making it easy for people to follow through. An example of someone exhibiting "Clarity" in social media would be, when a Journalist writes about something that is going on in the community, she/he will have clarity throughout her posts online. Making it easy for her followers to read and understand her material.

I understand "Accuracy" to mean that you must have clear evidence of the topic you are discussing. In other words making sure your information is clear from error. Making sure it is accurate. An example of someone exhibiting "Accuracy" on social media would be someone posting accurate information without error.

I understand "Percussion" to mean that you must be very specific in what you are stating. In other words, making sure you have all the information are exact. If you have used up all the information then you have Percussion. An example of someone exhibiting Percussion on social media would be a post having clarity and accuracy with a Percussion outcome.

I understand "Relevance" to mean that every part has meaning. In other words, each statement or post has to be relevant to the statement being made. Making sure your response relates to the topic. An example of someone exhibiting Relevance with social media would be having someone respond to a topic being relevant and having good feedback that has meaning.

The purpose of this assignment is to identify the importance of these intellectual standards to have great interactions with others and how to identify good or bad postings. The key question at heart is, Do I use any of these Intellectual standards when I respond or post things and do I know how to?

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Elements of Thought

I understand purpose to mean what your goal and objective is. In other words, find out what you are there for, what you want to achieve when you start something. Make sure you know and remember what your purpose is when doing anything. An example of someone exhibiting purpose using social media is to make a difference in someone else's life that may be going through something difficult and giving that person hope, that they are not alone.

I understand question to mean that you are questioning things that are happening in your life whether it be at home or work. In other words you aren't settling for what you know but you are willing to question things when you don't understand or when you disagree with things. An example of someone exhibiting question using social media would be reading up on something and questioning the story behind it, questioning the author why they think or feel that way. Questioning the facts that they have.

I understand Assumptions to mean the beliefs you take for granted. In other words, you assume things because of something you may know. Assumptions happen when you don't get facts or evidence. An example someone exhibiting Assumptions using social media would be for instance, I may have made the assumption that my friend has a perfect life because of the things she shares online. But I have no evidence what her life is really like behind close doors.

Point of View:
I understand Point of View to mean the place of which you view something. In other words making sure you know what place you are viewing and if not looking at things in a different way. Being open-minded about how you view things. An example of someone exhibiting Point of View on social media is watching or reading something and with your own point of view of agreeing or disagreeing with the topic. Being able to put your own point of view on the side and thinking a viewing it from the other persons eyes.

Data, Information, and Evidence:
I understand Data, Information, and Evidence to mean that you must collect these important things in order to have great thinking. In other words, you must have the gathered all the information on a certain situation to give you the data, information, and evidence. An example of someone exhibiting Data, Information, and Evidence could be if I wanted to have an opinion on the president I would need to do my research so that I may have all the data information and evidence to make a post on social media with out making myself incorrect. Stating the information clear and accurate to what I would be talking about.

Concept and Ideas:
I understand Concept and Ideas to mean the ideas, theories, and hypotheses we use in thinking to make sense of things. In other words, in order to put things out there we need to have ideas and theories to go off of. An example of someone exhibiting Concept and Ideas would be when someone wants to post about psychology and talk about the theories and hypothesis. It will have the Concepts and ideas it needs to be a good read.

Inference and Interpretations: 
I understand Inference and Interpretation to mean the conclusion you come to when working on something. In other words, you question the things your reading or researching about so that you may come to a conclusion about it. An example of someone exhibiting Inference and Interpretation is when you read about something like police brutality you question the evidence and really think rationally about your conclusion. 

Implications and Consequences:
I understand Implications and Consequences to mean that you question what happened if I were to do A,B,C or D and what will be my end result. In other words you think with logic before making any types of decision. An example of someone exhibiting Implications and Consequences on social media by re-thinking and responding to Social media bloggers by being respectful logical thinkers. Knowing that Implications will have some type of consequence.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Social Media Concepts

Hi guys,
Today we'll be talking about a social media concept that I find very interesting.
"Social media content messages shape our perceptions of reality. Much of our view of reality is based on media messages that have been pre-constructed and have attitudes, interpretations, and conclusions already built in. Thus the media, to a great extent, give us our sense of reality." -- Which images, articles and videos do we choose to share with our friends and colleagues that are truly reflective our what constitutes our reality, and not merely echo the status quo and popular opinions?"
In my own words people make themselves out to be something they wish to be. We feel like we have to keep up the social norms of everyone else. When in reality we don't wake up with up-do hair and make-up perfectly set. Images of other social media outlets have people posting how they work out all the time or have such a fabulous life, and makes us feel like that is how our reality should be. We strive to be exactly like Social media content that is put out there on the media. We believe that we need to be like everyone else to fit into social norms.
The main point in the paragraph is that we have use social media as a way of putting out there that, that is our reality of life. In other words we should live out out actual reality. So that, that may become the real reality of others. For example: People will portray themselves as perfect by taking posting pictures of "Just woke up like this" or "gym time".
The purpose for this assignment is to make it aware that we as a society often find ourselves wrapped up in social media and we tend to think that it is our reality. We are so quick to want to fit it.
The key question at the heart of the assignment is to know what social media is how we use it in our everyday life and how it affects our lives.
Thanks for reading

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Elements of Intellectual Traits.

I understand Intellectual Humility to mean someone who values and seeks out the knowledge of their ignorance.In other words to fill in ignorance with knowledge. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual humility on social media would be to reply to ones post seeking out what other things they can work on to better understand the topic.

I understand Intellectual Courage to mean the willingness to speak on things that others aren't fond of and having the respect of others. But never putting yourself at risk for danger. In other words, being brave enough to speak about things no one else wants to speak on. An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual courage on social media would be making a statement about sexual harrassment in the work place and how important it would be to bring it to light and stop it from happening by reporting it.

I understand Intellectual Empathy to mean having the ability to think what the other people think. In other words having that understanding of how other people think and process things. Knowing how someone elses feels about a certain situation. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual empathy on social media would be, when responding to a sensitive post you use empathy to relate to that person.

I understand Intellectual Autonomy to mean having the ability to think for yourself and valuing how you do so. you may also be influenced by someone else to think for yourself. In other words, don't allow yourself to be influenced by other peoples thinking. You do the work yourself. An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Autonomy on social media would be picking a topic to talk about and using your own thoughts and feelings. Having that belief in yourself that you did a good job at it.

I understand Intellectual Integrity to mean that you desire to see yourself for who your truly are. Not trying to be and think like someone else. In other words, you believe you are who you say you are. Not who you think other people want you to be. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual integrity on social media would someone posting a blog about the struggles they have gone through and seeking out the person that you have come to be. Showing your true self regardless of it all.

I understand Intellectual perseverance to mean doing the work to for yourself to understand things. In other words, your not letting other people do the work for you. Your taking initiative to find out things for yourself. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual perseverance on social media would be  some one who has a substance abuse problem willing to do research about drug abuse and how to stop using and get help.

I understand Intellectual laziness to mean that you give the responsibility to someone else, instead of doing it yourself. Which most of us do. In other words, you let someone else do all the work for you. Or you don't do it at all. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual laziness on social media would be having someone else log into your account on Facebook and post your responses to other people for you.

Understand Confidence in Reason to mean to trust evidence, facts and reasoning. In other words, making sure your information is accurate and relevant to the issue at hand. An example of someone exhibiting Confidence in reason would be a group of people trusting that everyone has the evidence to a certain issue.

I understand Fairmindedness to mean that we must find what is most fair to everyone. In other words, you don't put your own wants and needs above others. You are taking into consideration everything at hand.  An example of someone exhibiting fairmindedness on social media is, whenever responding to someone you think of them and making sure your response is fair.

The purpose of this assignment is to identify these traits and understand them. Know how to use them when online. They key question is, Do you exhibit any of these traits when online?