Thursday, February 22, 2018

How to Make your Idea Stick

Simple: In the world of content, less is more. Determine your core message, then communicate it in the most simple process.

  • Getting your core message out clear and easy to follow without adding unnecessary things.
Unexpected: If you’re not riling the birds’ feathers who’re flying in a V, your not writing unexpected material. Unexpected material gets attention, often by violating a current schema. We believe in violating the status-quo to capture attention.

  • You present with getting something simple that captures the persons attention that may often violate the status-quo. Something that is out of ones comfort level.
Concrete: Use sensory language to be concrete. Paint a mental picture in the minds of your audience.

  • You use other examples to pull your readers to see the big picture of new or unfamiliar things so that they understand.
Credible: Using data? Give advice? It better come from the experts.

  • Using information that you can back yourself up with. Making sure its credible.
Emotional: People care about people, not numbers. Evoke emotion by speaking a language pertinent to your audience.

  • Make connections with the people using there language. Allow them to emotionally connect with your topic. Give them something that they will benefit from.
Tells Stories: Storytelling is the causal effect of evoking emotion.
  • Storytelling stimulate our minds and allows us to learn things we haven't seen before.

The main point of using the SUCCESS Model is to make a simple core message out to your readers. Engage your readers in the topic that is important to you. In other words you need to make the topic interesting enough that others can connect to it emotionally. Telling stories will stimulate their minds and allow them to learn new things. An example would be, writing about feeding the homeless and why it would be important for more people to help other people in need. It will allow people to feel good when helping others.

The purpose of this assignment is to know what kind of models there are to go by when creating something you want to stick to your readers. The key questions at the heart of this assignment is " Can you use this Success Model to get your message to stick?"


  1. Hi Bernadette,
    I'm questioning precision of your statement "Storytelling is the causal effect of evoking emotion". Could you provide more details on what you mean by this statement? Please explain.

  2. Hi Bernadette,
    I'm questioning the fairness of the 5 rating you have for this post because are you rating based on the Liker scale labels of do you have any self interest in your rating?
    Thanks you,

  3. Hi Bernadette,

    I'm questioning relevance of your statement " Telling stories will stimulate their minds and allow them to learn new things. An example would be, writing about feeding the homeless and why it would be important for more people to help other people in need. It will allow people to feel good when helping others." You mention earlier that telling stories will stimulate our minds and learn new things but the example provided doesn't relate to stimulating our minds and learning new things. Could you elaborate more?

