Saturday, January 20, 2018

Elements of Intellectual Traits.

I understand Intellectual Humility to mean someone who values and seeks out the knowledge of their ignorance.In other words to fill in ignorance with knowledge. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual humility on social media would be to reply to ones post seeking out what other things they can work on to better understand the topic.

I understand Intellectual Courage to mean the willingness to speak on things that others aren't fond of and having the respect of others. But never putting yourself at risk for danger. In other words, being brave enough to speak about things no one else wants to speak on. An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual courage on social media would be making a statement about sexual harrassment in the work place and how important it would be to bring it to light and stop it from happening by reporting it.

I understand Intellectual Empathy to mean having the ability to think what the other people think. In other words having that understanding of how other people think and process things. Knowing how someone elses feels about a certain situation. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual empathy on social media would be, when responding to a sensitive post you use empathy to relate to that person.

I understand Intellectual Autonomy to mean having the ability to think for yourself and valuing how you do so. you may also be influenced by someone else to think for yourself. In other words, don't allow yourself to be influenced by other peoples thinking. You do the work yourself. An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Autonomy on social media would be picking a topic to talk about and using your own thoughts and feelings. Having that belief in yourself that you did a good job at it.

I understand Intellectual Integrity to mean that you desire to see yourself for who your truly are. Not trying to be and think like someone else. In other words, you believe you are who you say you are. Not who you think other people want you to be. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual integrity on social media would someone posting a blog about the struggles they have gone through and seeking out the person that you have come to be. Showing your true self regardless of it all.

I understand Intellectual perseverance to mean doing the work to for yourself to understand things. In other words, your not letting other people do the work for you. Your taking initiative to find out things for yourself. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual perseverance on social media would be  some one who has a substance abuse problem willing to do research about drug abuse and how to stop using and get help.

I understand Intellectual laziness to mean that you give the responsibility to someone else, instead of doing it yourself. Which most of us do. In other words, you let someone else do all the work for you. Or you don't do it at all. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual laziness on social media would be having someone else log into your account on Facebook and post your responses to other people for you.

Understand Confidence in Reason to mean to trust evidence, facts and reasoning. In other words, making sure your information is accurate and relevant to the issue at hand. An example of someone exhibiting Confidence in reason would be a group of people trusting that everyone has the evidence to a certain issue.

I understand Fairmindedness to mean that we must find what is most fair to everyone. In other words, you don't put your own wants and needs above others. You are taking into consideration everything at hand.  An example of someone exhibiting fairmindedness on social media is, whenever responding to someone you think of them and making sure your response is fair.

The purpose of this assignment is to identify these traits and understand them. Know how to use them when online. They key question is, Do you exhibit any of these traits when online?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bernadette,

    Unfortunately your post is incomplete. Please closely read the assignment again to see how you can earn all the points and then update your post.
    here is the link:
