Saturday, January 27, 2018

Elements of Thought

I understand purpose to mean what your goal and objective is. In other words, find out what you are there for, what you want to achieve when you start something. Make sure you know and remember what your purpose is when doing anything. An example of someone exhibiting purpose using social media is to make a difference in someone else's life that may be going through something difficult and giving that person hope, that they are not alone.

I understand question to mean that you are questioning things that are happening in your life whether it be at home or work. In other words you aren't settling for what you know but you are willing to question things when you don't understand or when you disagree with things. An example of someone exhibiting question using social media would be reading up on something and questioning the story behind it, questioning the author why they think or feel that way. Questioning the facts that they have.

I understand Assumptions to mean the beliefs you take for granted. In other words, you assume things because of something you may know. Assumptions happen when you don't get facts or evidence. An example someone exhibiting Assumptions using social media would be for instance, I may have made the assumption that my friend has a perfect life because of the things she shares online. But I have no evidence what her life is really like behind close doors.

Point of View:
I understand Point of View to mean the place of which you view something. In other words making sure you know what place you are viewing and if not looking at things in a different way. Being open-minded about how you view things. An example of someone exhibiting Point of View on social media is watching or reading something and with your own point of view of agreeing or disagreeing with the topic. Being able to put your own point of view on the side and thinking a viewing it from the other persons eyes.

Data, Information, and Evidence:
I understand Data, Information, and Evidence to mean that you must collect these important things in order to have great thinking. In other words, you must have the gathered all the information on a certain situation to give you the data, information, and evidence. An example of someone exhibiting Data, Information, and Evidence could be if I wanted to have an opinion on the president I would need to do my research so that I may have all the data information and evidence to make a post on social media with out making myself incorrect. Stating the information clear and accurate to what I would be talking about.

Concept and Ideas:
I understand Concept and Ideas to mean the ideas, theories, and hypotheses we use in thinking to make sense of things. In other words, in order to put things out there we need to have ideas and theories to go off of. An example of someone exhibiting Concept and Ideas would be when someone wants to post about psychology and talk about the theories and hypothesis. It will have the Concepts and ideas it needs to be a good read.

Inference and Interpretations: 
I understand Inference and Interpretation to mean the conclusion you come to when working on something. In other words, you question the things your reading or researching about so that you may come to a conclusion about it. An example of someone exhibiting Inference and Interpretation is when you read about something like police brutality you question the evidence and really think rationally about your conclusion. 

Implications and Consequences:
I understand Implications and Consequences to mean that you question what happened if I were to do A,B,C or D and what will be my end result. In other words you think with logic before making any types of decision. An example of someone exhibiting Implications and Consequences on social media by re-thinking and responding to Social media bloggers by being respectful logical thinkers. Knowing that Implications will have some type of consequence.


  1. Aloha Bernadette,

    I’m questioning the clarity and precision of your understanding of assumptions and inferences because...
    Assumptions are beliefs you take for granted throughout your life. They usually operate in your subconscious or unconscious level of thought. The root of problems in thinking often lies with false assumptions. Because assumptions are usually unconscious, they often embody prejudices, biases, stereotypes, and one-sided or false beliefs.

    Inferring is what the mind does in figuring something out. All inferences are based on assumptions, or beliefs we take for granted. Inferences are interpretations or conclusions you come to. And our conclusions are often distorted by our self-serving interests, which disengage our sense of justice.

    Inferences should logically follow from the evidence. Infer no more or less than what is implied in the situation. In other words, make sure that your conclusions are based on all the relevant information and that you haven’t excluded information that does not support your preconceptions.

    Don’t worry. This is a tricky concept to get and I’m using is as an example of how to provide feedback on other blogs as well. I hope this provides some clarity.


  2. Thank you for clearing that up for me, I was alittle confused trying to write all of the meanings. You did clarify that for me. I will refer back to this to help me in the future. Thanks
