Thursday, March 22, 2018

Positive Presences Online

Whether you like it or not, if you use the internet you created an online identity for yourself. You could call this your own brand. A brand are like the things your prefer to were or eat. Big companies spend a huge amount of money to advertise there brand. They make it look very appealing to a person so they buy into it.

Searching yourself:
The best place to start off to search for they type of information that is out there online is the search engine. You could also look at search terms that people might refer to you like nick names, middle initials, and commonly know misspelling of your name. Another way is by registering on  "yourname".com to see if others have registered at that site. It is best that you also do an image search for yourself. There might be someone that has created a fake account or someone that has a similar name could confuse others to think it is you. 

The main point of this paragraph was to do your research about yourself. In other words, make sure you know what kind of information is out there about yourself. For example: I went on google and searched my name and I found that websites I am active on will pop up and some of my personal videos and pictures are public for the world to see.

If you don't like it, ask to have it taken down:
You may be surprised at what you find, so if it is something you don't like the first thing you could do it to ask that website to take it down. You could also ask the person directly. Most people that ask others to take material down will do it without complications. You could also ask the ISP host site to take it down, but they only do so if the material is untrue, hurts your reputation, and could be cyber-bullying. 

The main point of this paragraph is to make sure that you know if you don't like it, ask to have it taken down. In other words, don't leave things that you don't want others to see online. Get it taken down. For example: Justine Sacco posted a tweet and had it removed because it made her look like a horrible person for saying what she tweeted.
Out with the bad, in with the new: 
There might be things online that you don't like, or someone else that people might perceive you to be.  Try and put out as much positive things that will drown out the other person. You could do numerous things online to boost your positive identity, like blogging, posting comments, videos and online reviews as long as it doesn't make you look bad. Your build your online presence, allowing you to outweigh the bad. If there is someone out there with a similar name you might want to you your initials or abbreviations.
The main point of this paragraph is to create positive material so that your online presence is a good one. In other words, provide positive feedback, blogs, videos, and reviews. Make sure you are able to outweigh the bad things that are associated with your name. For example: My fiance has a commonly used first name, so she makes sure her profile settings are private and post things that aren't too personal and creates a positive presence.

Build a Base:
In order to build your brand you must create a home base. For example a blog. Its important because search engines count links when they research.So the more you link to your blog the higher the rank. Also having your home base on "yourname".com can be perfect. Also include an home base picture. It doesn't have to be you, but it could be a cartoon person of yourself or a nice picture of yourself. It helps to build your online identity.

The main point of this paragraph is to make a home base for yourself. In other words create a home base page that people can link to your responses or post. One that you want to be out there online to show your identity. For example: I use Blogger to create my home base for online post. 

Don't let your friends control your brand:
Why isn't it good to use your Social network profiles to use as your home base? It's because you arent in full control with what is posted for everyone to see. They can post to your networks anything they like. You can never have full control over your privacy. Not everyone will make good decisions. It doesn't mean to not have any, but try not to link it to other accounts.

The main point of this paragraph is that you shouldn't use your Social networks as your home base because it isn't the best way to create great your presences online. In other words, you can't control what others want to post to your social network. So take control by have a good home base. For example: Instead of using my Facebook to post blogs I use Blogger.

Think about who you are in other peoples spaces:
Making sure your online spaces says good things about you, you must also keep in mind what kind of impression your giving off on others. You want to be a "Good Guest" on other websites. Always remember to treat others the way you want to be treated. Try an contribute to other online communities.

The main point of this paragraph is to respect others peoples spaces. In others words, be a good guest when on other peoples websites. For example: I am being thoughtful when posting things to others website. I have empathy to there thoughts and feeling.

Don't mix up reputation with celebrity:
It doesn't mean you have to spend all your time thinking about what to post. It doesnt matter what material you post as long as the things you post online builds a positive consistent image that reflects your identity.

This main point of this paragraph is that you don't need to spend all your time thinking of things to post to build your image. In other words, you can post less things but as long as it is how you want to be viewed. For example: I post pictures of my children, I dont post or reply everyday, heck not even every week and I am okay with image.

The purpose of this assignment was to know how to build your positive online presence. What the do's and don't are. The key question at the heart of this assignment is "Do you what kind of online presences you have, if so can you improve it?"

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bernadette,
    You were accurate when you stated "Whether you like it or not, if you use the internet you created an online identity for yourself." and it is up to you whether its a positive or negative image or "brand"
