Wednesday, January 31, 2018


What is community?
Community is a group of people that live in the same place forming a bond with others. Sharing interests, common attitudes and goals. People with diverse backgrounds, linked by social ties. People that care about each other.

What is the purpose of Community?
The purpose of having a community is to have people going through similar things help support each other. They are people who are connected to each other and have the same values as each other. They are there to help positively support and help each other with opportunity to grow. We need our community to improve our own lives and make a difference in others lives.

The key question at the heart of this assignment is to think and question what community is and why it is important to have a community.

Intellectual Standards Part 1

I understand "Clarity" to mean that we must be clear with what we are talking about. In other words, we must know what we are talking about and have the research and evidence backing up the subject. Making it easy for people to follow through. An example of someone exhibiting "Clarity" in social media would be, when a Journalist writes about something that is going on in the community, she/he will have clarity throughout her posts online. Making it easy for her followers to read and understand her material.

I understand "Accuracy" to mean that you must have clear evidence of the topic you are discussing. In other words making sure your information is clear from error. Making sure it is accurate. An example of someone exhibiting "Accuracy" on social media would be someone posting accurate information without error.

I understand "Percussion" to mean that you must be very specific in what you are stating. In other words, making sure you have all the information are exact. If you have used up all the information then you have Percussion. An example of someone exhibiting Percussion on social media would be a post having clarity and accuracy with a Percussion outcome.

I understand "Relevance" to mean that every part has meaning. In other words, each statement or post has to be relevant to the statement being made. Making sure your response relates to the topic. An example of someone exhibiting Relevance with social media would be having someone respond to a topic being relevant and having good feedback that has meaning.

The purpose of this assignment is to identify the importance of these intellectual standards to have great interactions with others and how to identify good or bad postings. The key question at heart is, Do I use any of these Intellectual standards when I respond or post things and do I know how to?

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Elements of Thought

I understand purpose to mean what your goal and objective is. In other words, find out what you are there for, what you want to achieve when you start something. Make sure you know and remember what your purpose is when doing anything. An example of someone exhibiting purpose using social media is to make a difference in someone else's life that may be going through something difficult and giving that person hope, that they are not alone.

I understand question to mean that you are questioning things that are happening in your life whether it be at home or work. In other words you aren't settling for what you know but you are willing to question things when you don't understand or when you disagree with things. An example of someone exhibiting question using social media would be reading up on something and questioning the story behind it, questioning the author why they think or feel that way. Questioning the facts that they have.

I understand Assumptions to mean the beliefs you take for granted. In other words, you assume things because of something you may know. Assumptions happen when you don't get facts or evidence. An example someone exhibiting Assumptions using social media would be for instance, I may have made the assumption that my friend has a perfect life because of the things she shares online. But I have no evidence what her life is really like behind close doors.

Point of View:
I understand Point of View to mean the place of which you view something. In other words making sure you know what place you are viewing and if not looking at things in a different way. Being open-minded about how you view things. An example of someone exhibiting Point of View on social media is watching or reading something and with your own point of view of agreeing or disagreeing with the topic. Being able to put your own point of view on the side and thinking a viewing it from the other persons eyes.

Data, Information, and Evidence:
I understand Data, Information, and Evidence to mean that you must collect these important things in order to have great thinking. In other words, you must have the gathered all the information on a certain situation to give you the data, information, and evidence. An example of someone exhibiting Data, Information, and Evidence could be if I wanted to have an opinion on the president I would need to do my research so that I may have all the data information and evidence to make a post on social media with out making myself incorrect. Stating the information clear and accurate to what I would be talking about.

Concept and Ideas:
I understand Concept and Ideas to mean the ideas, theories, and hypotheses we use in thinking to make sense of things. In other words, in order to put things out there we need to have ideas and theories to go off of. An example of someone exhibiting Concept and Ideas would be when someone wants to post about psychology and talk about the theories and hypothesis. It will have the Concepts and ideas it needs to be a good read.

Inference and Interpretations: 
I understand Inference and Interpretation to mean the conclusion you come to when working on something. In other words, you question the things your reading or researching about so that you may come to a conclusion about it. An example of someone exhibiting Inference and Interpretation is when you read about something like police brutality you question the evidence and really think rationally about your conclusion. 

Implications and Consequences:
I understand Implications and Consequences to mean that you question what happened if I were to do A,B,C or D and what will be my end result. In other words you think with logic before making any types of decision. An example of someone exhibiting Implications and Consequences on social media by re-thinking and responding to Social media bloggers by being respectful logical thinkers. Knowing that Implications will have some type of consequence.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Social Media Concepts

Hi guys,
Today we'll be talking about a social media concept that I find very interesting.
"Social media content messages shape our perceptions of reality. Much of our view of reality is based on media messages that have been pre-constructed and have attitudes, interpretations, and conclusions already built in. Thus the media, to a great extent, give us our sense of reality." -- Which images, articles and videos do we choose to share with our friends and colleagues that are truly reflective our what constitutes our reality, and not merely echo the status quo and popular opinions?"
In my own words people make themselves out to be something they wish to be. We feel like we have to keep up the social norms of everyone else. When in reality we don't wake up with up-do hair and make-up perfectly set. Images of other social media outlets have people posting how they work out all the time or have such a fabulous life, and makes us feel like that is how our reality should be. We strive to be exactly like Social media content that is put out there on the media. We believe that we need to be like everyone else to fit into social norms.
The main point in the paragraph is that we have use social media as a way of putting out there that, that is our reality of life. In other words we should live out out actual reality. So that, that may become the real reality of others. For example: People will portray themselves as perfect by taking posting pictures of "Just woke up like this" or "gym time".
The purpose for this assignment is to make it aware that we as a society often find ourselves wrapped up in social media and we tend to think that it is our reality. We are so quick to want to fit it.
The key question at the heart of the assignment is to know what social media is how we use it in our everyday life and how it affects our lives.
Thanks for reading

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Elements of Intellectual Traits.

I understand Intellectual Humility to mean someone who values and seeks out the knowledge of their ignorance.In other words to fill in ignorance with knowledge. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual humility on social media would be to reply to ones post seeking out what other things they can work on to better understand the topic.

I understand Intellectual Courage to mean the willingness to speak on things that others aren't fond of and having the respect of others. But never putting yourself at risk for danger. In other words, being brave enough to speak about things no one else wants to speak on. An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual courage on social media would be making a statement about sexual harrassment in the work place and how important it would be to bring it to light and stop it from happening by reporting it.

I understand Intellectual Empathy to mean having the ability to think what the other people think. In other words having that understanding of how other people think and process things. Knowing how someone elses feels about a certain situation. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual empathy on social media would be, when responding to a sensitive post you use empathy to relate to that person.

I understand Intellectual Autonomy to mean having the ability to think for yourself and valuing how you do so. you may also be influenced by someone else to think for yourself. In other words, don't allow yourself to be influenced by other peoples thinking. You do the work yourself. An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Autonomy on social media would be picking a topic to talk about and using your own thoughts and feelings. Having that belief in yourself that you did a good job at it.

I understand Intellectual Integrity to mean that you desire to see yourself for who your truly are. Not trying to be and think like someone else. In other words, you believe you are who you say you are. Not who you think other people want you to be. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual integrity on social media would someone posting a blog about the struggles they have gone through and seeking out the person that you have come to be. Showing your true self regardless of it all.

I understand Intellectual perseverance to mean doing the work to for yourself to understand things. In other words, your not letting other people do the work for you. Your taking initiative to find out things for yourself. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual perseverance on social media would be  some one who has a substance abuse problem willing to do research about drug abuse and how to stop using and get help.

I understand Intellectual laziness to mean that you give the responsibility to someone else, instead of doing it yourself. Which most of us do. In other words, you let someone else do all the work for you. Or you don't do it at all. An example of someone exhibiting intellectual laziness on social media would be having someone else log into your account on Facebook and post your responses to other people for you.

Understand Confidence in Reason to mean to trust evidence, facts and reasoning. In other words, making sure your information is accurate and relevant to the issue at hand. An example of someone exhibiting Confidence in reason would be a group of people trusting that everyone has the evidence to a certain issue.

I understand Fairmindedness to mean that we must find what is most fair to everyone. In other words, you don't put your own wants and needs above others. You are taking into consideration everything at hand.  An example of someone exhibiting fairmindedness on social media is, whenever responding to someone you think of them and making sure your response is fair.

The purpose of this assignment is to identify these traits and understand them. Know how to use them when online. They key question is, Do you exhibit any of these traits when online?