Monday, April 16, 2018


What is a hashtag?
A hashtag is a pound sign followed by a phrase or word that people use on social media sites to group things together. For instance someone can post a picture that represents gun control and #guncontrollaws and it will allow that person to see what others are saying using that same hashtag.

What is the purpose of a hashtag?
The purpose of a hashtag is to share what you are posting and grouping it with other people that are talking about the same thing you are using that same hashtag. It allows people from all over the world to see it and hopefully start conversations about that topic.

Social Media Strategy

What is a social media strategy?
Social Media Strategy is a plan to get people with common interest to share your content. In other words, it's a plan to create your identity to your followers one that represents yourself in a way that is honest.

What is the purpose of a social media strategy?
The purpose of social media strategy is to gain followers in what ever you are on social media for. Whether it be marketing or just blogging. You want to attract the right type of followers. People in the marketing business come up with social media strategies to attract shoppers.
The purpose of this assignment is to learn that there are social media strategies that you can use on your accounts. The key question at the heart of this assignment is What are your Social Media Strategies?

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Preparing your content for Social Sharing

Preparing Your Content for Facebook Sharing

I understand "shaping Your content for Facebook" to mean that Facebook is used for more personal uses so that they can connect with family and friends. In other words, it where people go to define the type of person they are. They share things that are very personal. An example of shaping Your content for Facebook would be posting about something that captures my viewers attention with curiosity and encouraging responses and engagements.

Preparing Your Content for Twitter Sharing

I understand "shaping Your content for Twitter" to mean that twitter is used for news junkies. In other words, people want real news that are happening in the here and now. You must make your twitter post easy to retweet. An example of shaping Your content for Twitter would be president Trump posting a tweet with hashtags and people being able to see and retweet quickly.

Preparing Your Content for Pinterest Sharing

I understand "shaping Your content for "Pinterest" to mean that people collect pictures and creates a board to there interest. In other words, its a place that people get ideas from others to create new foods, crafts, and DIY projects. An example of shaping Your content for Pinterest would be my friend Chelsey sharing how she makes Butter Mochi on Pintrest.

Preparing Your Content for Instagram Sharing

I understand "shaping Your content for Instagram" to mean that you must have clarity, color, composition, content, and consistency. In other words, in order for you to have great content that matches your intent of your page, you must follow these guidelines to really reach out to your viewers. An example of shaping Your content for Instagram would be my cousin that is a photographer and shares pictures that attract people that want his services.

The purpose of the assignment is to learn that for each different type of Social media outlets there are different types of sharing that comes along with it. The key question at the heart of the assignment is Do you know how to share your content for each different type of Media outlets?

Spreading your Ideas with Social Media

  1. What do you take for granted or assume about spreading your ideas with social media?
I think for me personally I usually take for granted that I don't have that much followers so I don't spread much ideas on Social Media. I don't use my social media to influence people. It's mainly personal things.

  1. What is the purpose of spreading your ideas with social media?
The purpose of sharing your ideas with social media is to get more people to take notice in what you are sharing. The more you share in different types of ways, the more people be able to view your ideas and hopefully get your viewers to share.

The purpose of this assignment is to know that when you share your ideas with social media you don't have to play it safe. That's usually how you get the attention of your viewers. The key question at the heart of this assignment is "Have you ever spread your ideas with your viewers and have they ever shared it on social media?